Monday, October 20, 2008

Toronto and Rochester Ferry Terminals

Note current state of Rochester and Toronto Ferry terminals.  This entry will not hash the ill-fated Rochester-Toronto ferry service that ran from 2004-2006; there is a good NY Times reference article here.
If you look closely at my picture of the Toronto ferry terminal (the one that doesn't say Port of Rochester) you will note the presence of studio trailers and associated equipment on the right.  
My conspiracy theory goes as follows:
The Port Authority of Toronto, although not excited about the cross-lake ferry service, decides to go ahead and build a terminal, knowing that it will make an excellent place for the film industry (with most major studios located mere kilometres away) to use for film shoots for years to come.
Canadian and Toronto taxpayers, none the wiser, foot the bill for this 6.5 million C$ direct subsidy for the local film industry.  Question: if this theory doesn't hold water, why didn't Toronto expand the ferry docks that currently service Toronto Island--this location would be much closer to downtown and all the attractions that would lure Rochesterites across the lake.  In fact, the location of the Pier 27 condo project would have made a great spot (as would the Captain John's permawharf location).

Read excellent blog entry about Great Lake ferry service here.

Update 03/26/2009

Apparently the terminal is a good Mexican embassy: 

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Need a cheap ad photo?

Isn't this the same model?  Can't Square One and Petro Canada each get their own models?